The Fourth Workshop on Tang-Song Transitions
Columbia University, April 3rd – 4th, 2020
Sponsored by the Tang Center for Early China, Columbia University
and the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Columbia University
Introduction to the Workshop on Tang-Song Transitions
As Song studies and Tang studies have grown as fields in recent years, older styles of work that tried to make large claims across the period have receded into the background — even as that work has tended to supply the generalizations we all make about cross-dynastic change in our courses and elsewhere — and it became rarer for a single scholar to work across dynastic lines. Such work is reemerging now, and our aim in organizing the Tang-Song Transition Workshop is to encourage it. We hope to create a community of scholars who will participate in unified projects tracing specific changes across the transition, and who will work regularly with Tang sources, Five Dynasties sources, and Song sources. The Workshop is therefore intended to foster new scholarship, support work in progress, and unite scholars from a range of disciplines in discussing key questions and texts that span the transition. The Workshop’s first meeting took place on April 22nd, 2017, at Princeton University; the second took place on April 7th, 2018, at Columbia University; the third took place on April 13th-14th, 2019, at Princeton. Planning is under way for a larger conference to be held at Princeton in 2021.
Participants in the 2020 Workshop
Sarah Allen, Williams College
Peter Bol, Harvard University
Beverly Bossler, University of California, Davis
Hugh Clark, Ursinus College (emeritus)
Anthony DeBlasi, University at Albany
Christian de Pee, University of Michigan
Hilde De Weerdt, Leiden University
Patricia Ebrey, University of Washington
Michael Fuller, University of California, Irvine
Mark Halperin, University of California, Davis
Valerie Hansen, Yale University
Charles Hartman, University at Albany
Jonathan Hay, Institute for Fine Arts, New York University
Jeehee Hong, McGill University
Robert Hymes, Columbia University
Yinan Luo, Peking University
Tracy Miller, Vanderbilt University
Alfreda Murck, Columbia University
John Phan, Columbia University
James Robson, Harvard University
Anna Shields, Princeton University
Paul Smith, Haverford College
Nicolas Tackett, University of California, Berkeley
Stephen Teiser, Princeton University
Richard von Glahn, University of California, Los Angeles
Jinping Wang, National University of Singapore
Xin Wen, Princeton University
Ping Yao, California State University, Los Angeles
Cong Ellen Zhang, University of Virginia
Header Image Credit: Emperor Ming-huang’s Flight to Szechwan. Anonymous, T’ang dynasty Hanging scroll, 55.9×81cm
Footer Image credit: Cloudy Mountains, Mi Youren (1074-1151), Metropolitan Museum of Art.