Additional Columbia University Affiliates
APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) Study Center – The APEC Study Center at Columbia University enhances the School’s rich tradition of research and teaching on the Asia Pacific region by serving as the focal point of study on issues of economic importance for the region.
Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race (Asian American Studies) – The Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race is an interdisciplinary space that has a pedagogical mission in the College and a research mission for the Columbia community as a whole. CSER is the home of three undergraduate majors: Asian-American Studies, Comparative Ethnic Studies, and Latino/a Studies.
Center on Japanese Economy and Business – Established at Columbia Business School in 1986 under the direction of Professor Hugh Patrick, the Center on Japanese Economy and Business (CJEB) promotes knowledge and understanding of Japanese business and economics in an international context.

Center for Chinese Legal Studies – The Center for Chinese Legal Studies prepares students to take on leadership roles in Chinese law, and provides them with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in China’s rapidly changing legal environment; serves as a bridge to the Chinese legal community; and is the focal point for a wide-range of China-related curricular, extracurricular, and exchange activity at Columbia Law School.
Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Center for Chinese Cultural & Institutional History – The Foundation’s goals are strictly limited to the academic sphere, in which it aims to support scholars and institutions worldwide in their pursuit of research on Chinese civilization, and to promote cooperation and exchange between domestic and foreign academic organizations.
Institute for Medieval Japanese Studies – The Institute for Medieval Japanese Studies, founded in 1968, is an international liaison and research center designed primarily to serve European and American scholars in all disciplines whose main area of study focuses on pre-Meiji era Japan.