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February 2018
March 2018
Movement and Materiality in Japanese Art
Movement and Materiality in Japanese Art Organized by Talia Andrei and Miriam Chusid Mary Griggs Burke Center Post-Doctoral Fellows Friday, March 9–Saturday, March 10, 2018 Schermerhorn Hall, Columbia University Registration required, email: One role of images in Japanese art is to bridge the gap between the viewer and the intangible—be it religious tenets, works of literature, or historical events. This symposium will explore the ways in which images and material objects inspired movement of the mind or body, or…
Find out more »October 2018
Myriad Teachings with One Nature: Buddhism in China and Inner Asia
Fayerweather 313 (10AM-5PM, Oct. 5) & Kent 403 (10AM-5PM, Oct. 6), Columbia University, New York City, October 5-6, 2018
Find out more »Early Cities and Economy – The Development of Urbanism, Regional Politics, and Economic Networks in the Shandong Peninsula before the Rise of Empire
An International Conference: Columbia University/Tang Center Opening Ceremony Thursday, October 25, 2018 5:00 – 7:00 PM World Room, Pulitzer Hall, Columbia University 2950 Broadway (W. 116th St.) Conference Friday – Saturday, October 26-27, 2018 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM 403 Kent Hall, Columbia University 1140 Amsterdam Ave (W. 116th St.) Presentations will be in Chinese (with English summary) or in English Advance registration is required due to limited seating. Please RSVP for the Thursday opening ceremony by October 15th at Participating Scholars: Fang Hui, Luan Fengshi,…
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