Hyoseak (Stephen) Choi
Adjunct Lecturer, Postdoctoral Research Scholar at the Donald Keene Center of Japanese Culture
Office: 614 Kent Hall
Office Hours: F 1:00- 3:00
Email: hc2963@columbia.edu
Educational Background
BA: Saint Mary’s University
MA: University of Toronto/Columbia University
PhD: Columbia University
Classes Taught
AHUM UN3830: Colloquium on Modern East Asian Texts
EAAS GU4150: Childhoods in Modern Japanese Literature
Research Interests
Modern Japanese Literature, Publishing Culture, Childhood, Social Theory, Translation
Stephen Choi received his PhD from the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures at Columbia
University in May, 2024. His research focuses on the diverse iterations of “childhood” that is represented
in literary works, as well as the role that the idea of “childhood” plays in the production, distribution,
and reception of texts. Exploring the many social and political functions of childhood utilized for
legitimating ideologies, proliferating propaganda, and promoting policies, the research aims to gain a
deeper understanding of existing socio-political narratives and consider possible future narratives that
can serve to protect actual children. He is currently working on book projects in both English and