Maxim Korolkov
Field: Chinese History
Advisor: Feng Li
Maxim received his B.A. in history from Moscow State University (2007) and M.A. in Chinese history from Beijing University (2011). As a doctoral student in Columbia University, he is exploring the administrative organization and economic management in the early Chinese empire of Qin (221-210 B.C.) as reflected in the archive of Qianling County excavated from the remains of the Qin fortified settlement at Liye, Hunan Province. Maxim is particularly interested in the organization of production, accumulation, storage, and distribution of food and other material resources; official communication and transportation; management of labor; operation of monetary economy; and government intervention into local economic activities. He is also interested in possible implications of the existing theories of social power and anthropological research on the construction of value in various societies for the interpretation of the ancient Chinese paleographic documents.