Colloquium in Advanced Modern Chinese Readings
Course Materials
The reading materials are divided into two groups, one for fast reading, the other for intensive reading.
1. Fast reading:
News reports from news paper, news magazine and internet
Students selections from Chinese media
2. Intensive reading:
Literature works: short stories, prose writings and novelettes by prominent writers
Articles on Chinese politics, economy and social life, and Sino-American relations
Business and legal documents
Course Objectives
This course is designed for the students who have studied at least four years modern Chinese at college level or the equivalent. The focus of the course is on reading, although oral presentation and writing are also important part of the course work. Through selection of authentic reading materials of various genres and styles and through using different media, this course aims to accomplish the following:
• To improve reading skills, so that the students can use original materials in their academic research or professional work.
• To advance the understanding of linguistic features of different genres and styles of writing, particularly the characteristics of discourse grammar, rhetoric structure and style of vocabulary.
• To improve writing skills, particularly in the areas of academic research and business writing, such as abstract of theses and semi formal business correspondence
• To refine the oral presentation skills, enable students to present academic papers in a semi formal or formal style in Chinese.
• To gain the familiarity with internet sources of Chinese.
• To acquire the special vocabulary in the fields of Chinese politics, economy and legal system.
Course Requirements
Regular and punctual attendance
Good preparation for individual presentation and class discussion
Access to Chinese sites on the internet
Punctual completion of all homework assignments (weekly exercises and compositions)
Mandatory attendance and participation in all scheduled tests (no make up test)