Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between “Introductory Japanese A/B” and “First Year Japanese”?
Introductory Japanese A and B are 2.5 credit courses. Both classes meet twice a week.
First Year Japanese I and II are 5.0 credit courses. Both classes meet four times a week.
Introductory Japanese A covers Lessons 1-8, while Introductory Japanese B covers Lessons 9-14. In other words, the former covers the first half of First Year Japanese I, and the latter covers the second half.
If you have completed both Introductory Japanese A and B, you may proceed to First Year Japanese II. Thus, there are two ways to complete First Year Japanese: Schedule A and Schedule B (see chart below).
In Schedule A, you take First Year Japanese I (Lessons 1-14) in the fall and First Year Japanese II (Lessons 15-32) in the spring. It takes two semesters.
In Schedule B, you take Introductory Japanese A (Lessons 1-8) in the spring, Introductory Japanese B (Lessons 9-14) in the fall, and First Year Japanese II (Lessons 15-32) in the spring. It takes three semesters.
If you already have some experience learning Japanese, you may take the placement test for Introductory Japanese B (formerly “Elementary Japanese B”) in the fall.
Can I take a Japanese language course for PASS/FAIL?
No. Language courses in EALAC can only be taken for a letter grade.
Can I AUDIT a Japanese language course?
No. Auditing is not allowed for language courses in EALAC.
I’m not a student at Columbia University. Can I take a Japanese language course?
Yes, but you need to register through Continuing Education. If you have previously studied Japanese and want to take a course other than First Year Japanese I or Introductory Japanese A, you must take the placement test.
I want to practice my Japanese. Is there anything open to the public?
Yes. Everyone is welcome at Columbia Nihongo Chat Club, a monthly Japanese language table organized by the Japanese program.
There are also student organizations that host Japan-related events on campus.
Private tutors may be available at the Language Resource Center (LRC).
I want to study in Japan. What programs are available?
Summer/Semester-Long/Year-Long Programs
- Kyoto Consortium for Japanese Studies (KCJS) Columbia University Official Program
- Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies
- International Christian University (ICU)
- Japan Center for Michigan Universities
- Keio University
- Sophia University
- Waseda University
- Nanzan University
- CET Academic Programs
Summer Programs Only
Are there any Japanese language courses offered during the summer at Columbia?
No, but you could apply for summer intensive Japanese language programs elsewhere in the U.S. (see below).