Yuki Ishida
Field: Japanese Literature
Advisor: Tomi Suzuki
Email: yi2182@columbia.edu
Before joining Columbia University, Yuki received her B.A. in Comparative Japanese Studies from the University of Tokyo and her M.A. in Russian Literature from Saint Petersburg State University (Russia). Her master’s thesis (2015) addressed the interplay of the documentary and the fictional in 20th-century postwar literary imagination in Russia and Japan. Her current dissertation project, tentatively entitled “Constructing the Literary in Translation: Futabatei Shimei and the Formation of Values of Artistic Production in Modern Japan,” explores the complex process of the formation and transformation of the concepts of artistic production and its agents and values from late 19th- to early 20th-century modern Japan, with a special focus on the works of the writer and Russian-Japanese translator Futabatei Shimei (1864–1909). Her project aims to illuminate the conditions that enabled the discourse on literary values in modern Japan, which had profound and far-reaching ramifications on the shaping of views on the modernization of Japan.