Hai-Long Wang
Lecturer in Chinese
Office: 501 Kent Hall
Office Hours: MTR 3:00-4:00, or by appointment.
Phone: (212) 854-5038
Email: hw21@columbia.edu
Educational Background
MA: Linguistics and Anthropology, Columbia University
MA: Comparative Literature, Shanghai Normal University
BA: Chinese Language and Literature, Jiangsu Normal University
Classes Taught
CHNS UN1111 First Year Chinese W I
CHNS UN1112 First Year Chinese W II
CHNS UN3005 Third Year Chinese W I
CHNS UN3006 Third Year Chinese W II
Research Interests
Language for Specific Purposes
Chinese Syntax
Chinese Language Pedagogy
Hai-Long Wang has been teaching Mandarin Chinese at Columbia University since 1998. He has taught Elementary Chinese, Intermediate Chinese, Advanced Chinese, Reading in Modern Chinese and other subjects. He has authored several Chinese textbooks including Aspects of Modern China and Cultural Interpretations of China.
Aspects of Modern China《深入中國》 (Peking University Press, 2011)
Reading China Through the Newspaper Volume I,《報紙上的中國》 (Peking University Press, 2004)
Reading the World Through the Newspaper Volume II,《報紙上的天下》 (Peking University Press, 2004)
A Primer for Advanced Beginners of Chinese (Simplified Characters Edition),《大學語文》 (Columbia University Press, 2004; Co-editor and author of four chapters)
A Primer for Advanced Beginners of Chinese (Traditional CharactersEdition),《大學語文-繁體字》 (Columbia University Press, 2003; Co-editor and author of four chapters)
Cultural Interpretations of China: An Advanced Chinese Reader I, 《文化中國》 (Peking University Press, Beijing, 2002)
Getting Into Chinese Thought: An Advanced Chinese ReaderII,《解讀中國》 (Peking University Press, 2002)
Introduction to BusinessChinese Writing,《應用漢語讀寫教程》 (Peking University Press, 2002)