Language Programs
Resources are categorized under the following tabbed sections.
- Home
- Language Programs Overview
- Language Testing Fee Policies
The Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures oversees instruction in five languages – Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Tibetan, and Vietnamese. Our dedicated language faculty and instructors serve the needs of both our undergraduate and graduate student communities. Hundreds of undergraduates—major, concentrators, and those simply interested in learning—enroll in EALAC language courses each semester. These classes prepare the student body for professional contexts, address the needs of heritage speakers, and spark conversation through exposure to the cultures and ideas animating East Asian societies, past and present.
The department also supports language acquisition and immersion outside the classroom. Study abroad opportunities abound, for both the academic year and during the summer, in destinations across East Asia.
The language program similarly serves the community of graduate students, strengthening research capacities in their primary language, and building skills in their second (and often third) language as needed. A majority of graduate student also receive instruction in the classical East Asian languages, an area of increasing interest to our engaged undergraduate populace as well.
Pedagogical innovation and instruction supplements the department’s commitment to language acquisition, as many language programs also serve as centers of linguistic study and research into pedagogy. Individual programs have published materials that see use well beyond Columbia, and some offer advanced degrees in language instruction.
Long at the forefront of education into the languages of East Asia in the United States, the department continues to expand the breadth and depth of its offerings. Our growing commitment to the study of the Tibetan and Vietnamese languages is just one example of this commitment.
More in-depth information can be found in the menus to the left, while some summary information is located in the next tab titled, “Language Programs Overview.” Please take a moment to explore our programs here, and get in touch in-person or via email with any questions about your language (or languages!) of choice.
Note: All language course must be taken for a letter grade, without exception. Students may not take language courses for either R-Credit or Pass/Fail.
Chinese Language Program
Japanese Language Program
Korean Language Program
Tibetan Language Program
- Director: Sonam Tsering
- Program information
- To schedule a placement test or for general questions, please contact Sonam Tsering (
Vietnamese Language Program
Other East Asian Languages
- For information regarding Indonesian, Cantonese, Khmer, Burmese, or Filipino, please contact the Language Resource Center.
EALAC Language Testing Fee Policies
- Students can take the Placement Test for FREE on the designated date(s) arranged by each language program.
- A $50 fee will be charged if a student takes the test on a date outside of the designated date(s).
- If a student requires a hard copy certificate issued by the department, a $50 fee will be charged. Due to COVID-19 all certificates will be submitted electronically as a PDF.
- If a student needs an individual proficiency evaluation, which is different from the general Placement Test, a separate evaluation will be arranged and a $100 fee will be charged. This charge does not apply to students who are recipients of FLAS or Fulbright Scholarship or EALAC PhD students.
- If you are a non-Columbia student or if you are not enrolled in one of the schools listed below, you will be charged an additional $50 fee. Schools not subject to fee: General Studies, Columbia College, Barnard, School of International and Public Affairs, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and School of the Arts.
If you believe you qualify for the specific proficiency language testing as noted above, please email the coordinator of your selected program with the details of your request before making a payment. The faculty contacts for each language program are as follows:
If you believe you qualify for the specific proficiency language testing as noted above, please email the coordinator of the selected program with the details of your request before making a payment. The faculty contacts for each language program are as follows:
Chinese Language Program: Tianqi Jiang
Japanese Language Program: Chikako Takahashi
Korean Language Program: Joowon Suh
Vietnamese Language Program: Chung Nguyen
Tibetan Language Program: Sonam Tsering
After you have received confirmation from the EALAC department to proceed, you may click here to make your payment.
If you should have any questions on these policies or are not sure if you subject to the additional fees, please reach out to Nicole Roldan.