Planning Sheets & Forms for Graduate Students
1. MA Student Sheets and Forms
A. MA Degree Checklists
The MA Degree Requirement Checklist must be completed, signed by your advisor, and submitted to the Academic Coordinator by the date listed here along with an approved copy of your thesis.
- MA Degree Requirement Checklist (fillable PDF)
- MA Degree Requirement Checklist for Chinese Pedagogy Students (fillable PDF)
B. MA Progress Checklists
MA Progress Checklists are available for use by students for planning purposes.
- MA Progress Checklist (fillable PDF)
- MA Progress Checklist for Chinese Pedagogy Students (fillable PDF)
2. PhD Student Sheets and Forms
A. MA Checklist
The MA Degree Requirement Checklist for PhD Students must be completed, signed by your advisor, and submitted to the Academic Coordinator. For more information, please see this page.
- MA Degree Requirement Checklist for PhD Students (fillable PDF)
B. Oral Examinations and Dissertation Prospective Defense Forms
To receive their MPhil, students must submit all five of the forms listed below to the EALAC Office. The Orals Scheduling form must be submitted no later than two weeks prior to the student’s oral examination.
- Orals Scheduling Form (fillable PDF)
The below four forms must be submitted following completion of the oral examinations and dissertation prospectus defense. All forms must be brought to the oral examinations/prospectus defense typed and printed. These forms should be submitted to the office signed by all members of the examination committee and the student’s advisor. The office will obtain the signature of the DGS.
- MPhil Degree Requirement Checklist (fillable PDF)
- Application for the MPhil Degree (fillable PDF)
- Orals Examination Form (fillable PDF)
- Report of the Dissertation Proposal Committee (fillable PDF)
C. Other PhD Student Forms and Sheets
- Application for Dissertation Defense (fillable PDF)
- Application for Conference Matching Travel Funds (fillable PDF)
- PhD Advisor Declaration Form (fillable PDF)

C.V. Starr. East Asian Library, Columbia University